Posts tagged Pyrimethamine
Flash finding: Generic Daraprim manufacturers ride Pharma Bro pricing coattails

Remember Daraprim? How about “pharma-bro”? Those were the good ole’ days when you could increase the price of a drug from $13.50 per pill (actually, it started under $1 when Turing acquired it) to $750 per pill and call yourself “Robin Hood.” We all know how this story ended. Martin Shkreli is now serving a seven-year prison term for securities fraud. His appeal to be released from prison to help research a COVID-19 cure was recently denied. The end? Not so fast! Generic Daraprim hit the market in March. meaning competition should bring “bad news” to the legacy brand manufacturer, right? Cheap prices for all, right? Wrong. In our latest Flash Finding, we started digging into the facts. Here’s what you need to know – in under 500 words.

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