Posts tagged Zorvolex
Brand drug list prices remain largely in check so far in 2019

With two months of solid data so far in 2019, according to CMS data, brand drug list prices appear to be largely under control when compared to previous years. While the data does not reflect true net costs, these are noteworthy trends regardless, and signs of the erosion of the much-maligned drug pricing “gross-to-net-bubble.” Check out this update for a breakdown of the price increases, as well as an update on the peculiar case of generic Prilosec spending.

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New dashboard launched to examine Medicaid markup galaxies

Looking to drill deeper into a state’s markup universe? Then our newest viz is for you. Medicaid Markup Galaxies separates each universe into three different groups (or celestially-speaking, “galaxies”). We call them the High-Cost, In-Range, and Low-Cost galaxies. The goal in doing so is to better quantify the nature of generic pricing distortions within state Medicaid programs. Additionally in today’s update, we put a bow on January’s brand drug price increases. See how 2019 is shaping up.

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Ben LinkMedicaid, Zorvolex