Posts tagged Washington
The Medicaid Markup Galaxies: Discover which drug markups are out of this world

A few months ago, we released our Medicaid Markup Universe that collects all generic drugs dispensed within different state Medicaid programs and displays each as a bubble. The larger the bubble, the greater the cost the state is paying for that drug relative to its acquisition cost (i.e. “markup”). While that dashboard provides a good qualitative feel for individual drug pricing distortions, it doesn’t help quantify the distortions. To better identify those distortions in each Medicaid program, we designed a new visualization that drills down to three different groups (or celestially-speaking, “galaxies”) within the universe. We call them the High-Cost, In-Range, and Low-Cost galaxies. Our newest dashboard, the Medicaid Markup Galaxies, shows which drugs state Medicaid programs may be underpaying for, and perhaps more importantly, which drugs they may be overpaying for.

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